WMCW Board
Board of Directors
The WINDS Board of Directors is elected mostly from the general membership at the annual general meeting. Members of the community are also encouraged to serve. A great many WINDS members have served on the board at one time or another. Serving on the board is a minimal time commitment that is extremely vital to the continued success of the WINDS organization. Board members serve a two year term.
Elected Board of Directors
Ex-Officio Members
Board Meetings
Meetings are currently being held virtually. Meetings are at 6pm the 3rd Sunday of January, March, May, August and November.
Annual Meeting Notice
Notice of Annual Member Meeting
The West Michigan Concert Winds, a nonprofit corporation organized under Michigan law, will hold its annual meeting of members at 7 PM on May 1, 2025 at the MCC band room (at the beginning of the rehearsal scheduled on that date.).